Slow down, relax & take a bath!

So another year has come and gone and I am lacking direction today - didn't feel like taking on the dismantling of Christmas or really doing much of anything after weeks and weeks of being on the go.

Tim had to work today so after making myself sit through the Rose Parade (because that is what I told myself I was going to do this morning) I thought "I'm going to take a bath."

I am, like many of you, not a fan of baths. Such a waste of water, it takes too much time and besides, who wants to sit in their own filth? I have made these arguments and have heard these things from other shower people. Ah, therein lies the very reason that we need to take more baths! It forces you to stop.

I have been totally intrigued with the concept of making bath bombs and bath salts from our lavender and other dried flowers and essential oils. (Here's the advertising plug). I love the concept of a relaxing bath but hate the thought of the mess in the tub! But, I figure if we are going to sell these things, we have to know if and how they work right? I filled the tub and plopped two bomb halves (can't sell these - they didn't quite fuse together in the drying process - making these things is harder than they look) into the tub. How fun! The fizzing started right away, petals and oatmeal started floating around the tub and the scent of the rose/lavender oils was intoxicating!

It was so relaxing to just sit in the tub with the colorful petals of calendula, roses and lavender floating around. Just sitting there you are forced to relax and I could feel my creativity starting to flow again. And, for those of you who live in cold, dry climates, the skin softening properties in these little bombs are amazing! As for the mess, there wasn't much because I had to run the shower to wash my hair anyway so the petals just washed down the drain. In the interest of full disclosure, I did rinse the tub out with two glasses of hot water but no ring or mess was left in the tub.

So, from DRR we wish you a very happy 2019 and urge you to slow down this year, relax and take that bath!

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